Installing VMWARE vCSA(Vcenter server appliance) 6.5
Installing VMWARE vCSA(Vcenter server appliance) 6.5
This guide walk through how to install vCSA from your Windows 10PC. and explain how to connect to your Esxi running hypervisor.
Why i was doing this task, Due to space contain in my old HDD, vCSA 6.0 keep crashing, so decided to upgrade HDD and upgrade to new version to explore new features if vCSA.
- You have the vCSA 6.5.0a ISO image.
- You have a Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 instance that can be used to remotely install the vCenter Server Appliance.
- You have an ESXi host that has enough resources to host the vCenter Server Appliance.
- You have an Ephemeral Portgroup (with vDS – vSS does not support this) configured on the destination ESXi host for the vCenter Server Appliance to connect to.
- Functioning NTP and DNS servers with populated FQDN for the target vCSA.
I have downloaded VMware-VCSA-all-6.5.0-5178943.iso and try to install but i have installation issue as below.
Vcenter RPM installation failed ( after 80% it stuck for more than 80% and it not processing, as per VMWARE document, it will take 30min to 60min to install).
Later i have searched in the KB of VMWARE, they suggesting below version is the fix for the above problem.
Install using my windows 10.
Mount the ISO image, go to ui installer and wind 32 –> double click install.exe
We will be choosing the Install option as this is a fresh deployment. The description then shows that there are two steps involved in the installation. The first step will deploy a vCenter Server appliance and the second step will be configuring this deployed appliance.
Choose the type of deployment that is required. I will be going with an embedded Platform Services Controller deployment.
Next, choose the ESXi host where you would like to have this vCenter appliance deployed and provide the root credentials of the host for authentication.
Provide the details as per your setup
Host : Exsi IP
HTTPS port 443
Username : root
Password : for the Root
Then, provide a name for the vCenter appliance VM that is going to be deployed and set the root password for the appliance.
Based upon your environment size, select the sizing of the vCenter appliance.
Select the datastore where the vCenter appliance files need to reside.
Review and finish the deployment, and the progress for stage 1 begins.
Upon completion, you can Continue to proceed to configure the appliance. If you close this window out, then you need login to the web management page for VCSA in the https://vcenter-IP:5480 to continue with the configuration. In this scenario, I will choose the Continue option to proceed further.
Once the deployment is complete you can login to the web client (https://vCenter-IP:9443/vsphere-client) or the html 5 client (https://vCenter-IP/ui) The HTML web client is available only with vCenter server appliance.