ISE 2.4 AD Join issue

I had an issue ISE 2.4 with Windows 2019 Server AD Join issue for the external identity source.

I get Failed when I try to join.

So I have tailed Log from CLI

  1. Login to ISE 2.4 Cli
  2. show logging application ad_agent.log tail

I found the logs as below :

WARNING,140565219899136,[LwKrb5GetTgtImpl ../../lwadvapi/threaded/krbtgt.c:329] KRB5 Error code: -1765328347 (Message: Clock skew too great),lwadvapi/threaded/lwkrb5.c:892

then when i compare the time on Windows 2019 Server and ISE 2.4 it was more than 5min, then i adjusted the Clock on Windows 2019 server, also check the DNS records, I am able to resolve my domain.

After that, I can join ISE to the domain AD.

You can also do diagnostic :

If all working as expected you can retrieve the Group from AD as below :

Happy Labbbbbing !